Salaries of cleaning personnel in Switzerland
March 14th at 10:53am

Batmaid wants to break down stereotypes about precariousness in housekeeping jobs by offering the maids the consideration they deserve.
Our professional home cleaners benefit from the best remuneration on the Swiss domestic market while our customers enjoy the lowest cleaning service costs. Moreover, we are the best alternative to the black market.
If you want to learn more about undeclared work in the home cleaning industry, you can consult our special report on the black market.
Discover below the various points on which Batmaid cleaning service stands out in terms of rates, bonuses, or employee recognition, ensuring the optimal fulfilment of the house cleaners:
Wage per cleaning hour
Batmaid provides the fairest salaries in the house cleaning field. The black market offers an attractive range of wages but hides risks for both the employer and the employee.
Cleaners bonuses and gifts
Batmaid values its most deserving cleaning ladies or men by rewarding them for their extra efforts.
We believe a cordial relationship between Batmaid staff, customers and cleaning agents is necessary to keep happiness and dedication at work.
Since we consider our Batmaids as unique and exceptional, we often offer them special rewards for their achievements. We want all the Batmaids working with us to feel recognized and valued for both their professional and personal qualities.
House cleaners' accident insurance (LAA/UVG)
No one is safe from a domestic accident (about 2,100 accidents undergone by home and office cleaners in 2019) that’s why we support home cleaning professionals and customers (see health statistics).
• Batmaid cleaning agency ensures, covers and protects its cleaners from any accident (fall, burn...) • Customers are also insured in case of material damage. • Customers benefit from preferential rates on accident insurance premiums and rates negotiated on the traditional annual fee. This concept is Batmaid exclusive and ensures huge savings for customers. • Nothing can evolve into a catastrophic situation and end up in court. This is reserved for the black market.
At Batmaid, the lowest rates and most equitable salaries are guaranteed while customers and cleaning ladies or men are protected.
Cleaning agent's declaration
Employees’ registration is mandatory throughout Switzerland.
• Batmaid handles the entire administrative procedures to declare the cleaning ladies or men. Clients only need to sign the Trust Mandate to delegate these actions to Batmaid. This enables customers not to spend time with paperwork.
• In the black market, employers are exposed to severe penalties up to a CHF 5,000 fine, as well as the self-management of damages.
Social security of the cleaning professional (OASI)
Batmaid is in direct contact with all the Old-Age and Survivors' Insurance (OASI) funds of all cantons covered by its cleaning services. As a result, the house cleaners contribute to their retirement and are protected from any event that could jeopardize their financial stability (see OASI).
Paid vacations
As Batmaid maintains paid vacations, 8.33% of the hourly salary of each cleaning employee being added to their payroll and dedicated to holidays. It allows the Batmaids to put money aside all year long for their vacations, so they can fully enjoy their well-deserved rest.
Flexible hours
Batmaid believes that a work willingly chosen leads to greater efficiency. That’s why the Batmaids are free to plan their weekly work schedule according to their availabilities: they can choose the amount of weekly work, they can choose their working days and hours, they are free to decline a job, and free to choose their holidays.
This working framework favours employee fulfilment, as the cleaning professionals can balance their lives between work on one side, and family and leisure on the other side.
Partner Special Offers
Batmaid home cleaners receive special offers and promotions from our network of partners. From useful and practical services to leisure activities, our cleaning professionals can take advantage of exclusive discounts (Aqua Parc, Salt, Let’s go, Generali, Honda…)
On mission support
Our Batmaids benefit from the phone assistance of our operations team at any time, any place. “How to locate the key? Cleaning tasks to perform in priority?“ Our Batmaids are never left on their own.
Off-mission support
At Batmaid, the well-being and fulfilment of our cleaning ladies or men is essential. Either for institutions procedures, or personal problems solving, the Batmaid’s staff provide help and support in many aspects of their everyday lives.