St-Gallen is now open for business!
September 11th at 5:47pm

We’ve heard your requests and they have not gone unnoticed. We are proud to announce that St-Gallen is now OPEN for business! If you're in the area, you can book here:
It has been a while in the making but we can now safely say that we have sourced enough talented Batmaids in the area to properly supply residents with our home cleaning service!
Be aware that in the following days the demand might be unusually high and therefore certain time slots might book up quickly, but rest assured that this will even itself out over time.
Feel free to share this post with anyone you know in St-Gallen, our Batmaids are eager to start their first contracts.
Would you like to become a Batmaid, work close to home with a flexible schedule, and be declared and insured? Nothing could be easier, follow this link, fill in the form and our teams will contact you as soon as possible: