Batmaid of the Month - March 2019
April 4th at 5:38pm

The time has come to announce you our Batmaid of the month of march! 🎉 And this time, we’re getting off the beaten track: it’s Maria herself who tells you her story, with a lot of emotion!
“My name is Maria, and I’ve been living in Bern for a few years. I studied accounting and worked as an accountant, manager of a vegetarian restaurant and in several home cleaning companies. My integration, however, was not easy because the language was very different from those I already knew, and there were few people with whom I was friends.
I then tried to find a job, which would give me the opportunity to have a flexible schedule and allow me to meet new people.
One day, by chance, a friend who knew I was looking for work told me with great conviction that she was sure she had found something that matched what I was looking for. She added: "I will put you in touch with a company that is moving to Bern and is looking for employees. »
The day of the interview came very quickly, and a few weeks later I was at my first client's house. New customers were added almost every day, always very kind and respectful to me. I realized that they really trusted me and that they really appreciated my work.
I really like the team that works in the Batmaid offices. They are always ready to help me at any time and for any difficulty, always with a smile and exceptional goodwill. I have the pleasant feeling of belonging to a family whose members love and help each other.
I am happy to be able to engage in other activities at the same time within my family and community as a volunteer, to help the integration and development of those like me who come from other countries with different languages and cultures.
With the Migros voucher I received I will buy a gift that can be a permanent memory of the experience I am living as a Batmaid employee."
Congratulations Maria, the whole Batmaid team thanks you for your unfailing kindness, and your exemplary work! 🏆